Monday, January 28, 2008

Whirled HQ Test New Fangled Machine from British Columbia
Whirled HQ charter members
Tam Regrebnesor and Nivlac Ymagrub
are pictured here testing a new fangled device sent to them by this guy they know in British Columbia. The device came with no instructions as to the purpose so Whirled HQ put its intellectual shoulder to the wheel and began testing. The strange glass orb has some kind of heating mechanism inside it and there is a clear plastic, flexible tube that attaches to the orb. The plastic appears to either let air in or let air out. Regrebnesor is seen in the photo inhaling a "test" substance that was lit inside the glass. So far no firm conclusions have been reached but just as a wild guess, HQ is thinking that it could be used for smoking weed. That's just a guess mind you so don't go writing someone about anything. Whirled HQ, through its press spokesmodel, Lane Chamberlane, says, "We'll get back to you in due time."

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Whirled HeadQuarters: Honest men looking for a strong odor