Sunday, January 06, 2008

Whirled HQ Live Feb 8

Giant Women of Sandusky, OH visit Normal, KS

Pheronika Kornelius, one of the famed giant women of Sandusky, OH, visited the town of Normal, KS and found getting around a little more difficult than "normal". Kornelius said, "Hey, it ain't normal if you ask me! Is there an Abnormal, KS where a normal person from Sandusky, OH might go and get a few more millimeters of breathing room?" The men of Normal, KS after seeing the women crouched sheepishly in the tight corners of their small respective abodes and could only dream of the giant women patting their behinds with giant womanly hands, the women bringing home large slabs of bacon and all the while protecting them from unforeseen dangers.

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Whirled HeadQuarters: Honest men looking for a strong odor