Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Live Baby Live!!

Mysterious Device Prompts Speculation

A mysterious device (shown here, actually a little to the left) photographed in an urban area of a big city near a small town has prompted much speculation by those who have seen it and those who have only heard it described. "Weird, ungodly, curious, strange, unnatural and ghostly" are all adjectives this HQ reporter has heard the "thing" characterized. I saw it myself (see there on the left?) and I would describe it as something seen in like Plan Nineteen from Outer Space or The Day the Earth Stood Very Still because it doesn't have anything written on it like Delphi Optics, Opticon Instruments from Cleevland, OH or some such but at least it didn't have those space hieroglyphics either. What do you think?

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Whirled HeadQuarters: Honest men looking for a strong odor