Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Live HQ Feb 8th Too Thowsend 8

Whirled HQ announces world poverty bail out plan.

Whirled Headquarters announced today at their new headquarters (see article below) that they are offering loans to anyone in the world for UP to $800.00 smackitos!! According to spokesmodel Jon Marcus there are absolutely no strings attached except you "absolutely have to pay us back with some interest." Other than that people can just line up at their offices in Priority Zone 1 Office Park (see below) apply and within minutes get their money. Any reason for the loan will suffice including nation building, pest eradication, prom limo, beer money, wide screen tv's, global warming (or cooling), fire departments, etc.
"You just name it." says Marcus. "It's all about helping this old world out."

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Whirled HeadQuarters: Honest men looking for a strong odor