Friday, December 14, 2007

HQ LIVE FEBRUARY 8TH, 2008 Update!!!

HQ Executive's Aura seen while relaxing.

Matt Rosenberger, Whirled Headquarters executive VP in charge of beverage procurement, is seen relaxing amongst the throng of hoi polloi at a local tavern. Apparently the beer glass in the foreground in conjunction with glow of the "halo"gen light in the background and Rosenberger's powerful inner biconceptual perception of self combined to produce a visible aura about his head and arms. Witnesses described it as an "aura of respectability" which produced a sense of inner calm in popular bar patron Jasper Schenksburton who just seconds before was bellowing incoherently about his man-crush on New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady.

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Whirled HeadQuarters: Honest men looking for a strong odor